Monday, April 14, 2014

Top 6 Pet Hates of Any PA

So I survived the first two weeks of the job that fell into m lap, with good money, but that I really didnt want. Yes first world problems are a bitch I know.

On most days my boss treats our very one on one, often TMI kind of relationship with professionalism and respect. The days that he does this, I feel (probably falsely so) that we are working together-similar to how I have worked partnerships in my previous businesses to reach the common goal of landing the big contract.

On the days that he didnt get his morning coffee, well those days come with annoying habits that see me dreaming of reaching over the desk and punching him in the face with his ipad.

1. While dictating an important email to be written up, opens the morning paper and begins to read. For like 10 minutes while I sit, fingers on the laptop waiting for the next word to jot down.
2. Asks whether I saw that piece of paper that he wrote on yesterday afternoon.
3. Taps my shoulder continuously while telling me a story- I'm not a goldfish God dammit, I am still paying attention!
4. Asks me how my kids are purely for the sake of asking but walks away while I'm in mid sentence.
5. Ask me to call a guy to get the DSTV sorted for ex wife- If you dont want to deal with her why should I?
6. Gets me into the office super early for something very important then doesnt show up all day or answer his phone, only to call me after hours to get cracking on the very important task.

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